According to over 50% of US adults have said they don't want, nor will they take, the H1N1 vaccine, and with good reason: They are scared of side effects. Who wouldn't be worried when there's Mercury in them? I mean, we aren't even allowed to have thermometers with Mercury in it, let alone having it injected in us. Apparently Mercury is only no poisonous when CDC and WHO say that it is safe to be injected in you. Cheers to all who have awoken to the scam that is the H1N1 "vaccine." As far as we're concerned, this vaccine will protect you from one thing and one thing only: A longer life.
CNN Article:
H1N1 Watch Articles:
Florida Forced Quarantine
President and NY Declare State of Emergency
Retired Chief Medical Officer Speaks Out About "Vaccine"
N95 Masks May Be In Short Supply
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