Fake Gold: China and Ethiopia. Could You Be Next?

Apparently, the latest fad hitting the Gold market is shipping fake bars. This has been encountered in two countries that we're aware of and, make no mistake, many other countries are most likely standing in their vaults right now looking. The first report was from Ethiopia last year and the second report is about London Good Delivery bars shipped from the United States to China (Cite). Ethiopia had shipped bars to South Africa, and received them back. South Africa claimed that these bars were Gold plated Steel (Cite)!

Ethiopia had located another stash of bars they have that are also Gold Plated steel and I'm sure many more may have been found throughout the world. I'm willing to bet that all of China is wondering about their "Good" Delivery Bars. One can only begin to speculate at the depth and breadth that this scam encompasses. And it probably makes most investors wonder: Is my Gold real?

We'd be quivering too if we were sitting on shares of the GLD ETF.


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