We Will Go Down Amidst Shouts of “LIBERAL!” & “CONSERVATIVE!”

If divide and conquer is the name of the game, then we've already lost. How easy is it to divide a room most simply by uttering the words liberal or conservative. Friendships have ended, parents and children divided, and enemies further repelled with the utterance of these simple words.

Indeed, I am worried that the most true battle being waged against Americans on every front, at every angle, and from every medium is being shrouded in the anger, the hatred, and the division that is generated by these sects.

Freedom being the casualty of this conflict, you'd like to believe that people would engage its loss more actively. Yet our headlines, and our thoughts are dominated by "Angry Right Wing Extremist Townhall Lobbyists," "Tree Hugging Liberals That Want To Take Down Industry," and let us not forget the latest headline grabber: Michelle Obama's dirty little shorts (gasp).

Because, when I think of important subjects that should be at the forefront of every American's thoughts, when I think of important issues that should be dominating the television screens, it is not Michelle Obama's shorts, it is the little pieces of legislation that get passed with little more than a whisper of the word "yea" in a nearly empty room then are quietly signed in another similarly empty room filled with only the sounds of a man breathing, and the scratching of a pen across paper.

Few know what the new law is about, few care, few see it's potential implications, few see how unamerican it is, few go out to protest it, and even fewer will peacefully oppose it in the time that its enforcement is attempted. We will instead go down, divided, amidst accusatory shouts of "LIBERAL!" and "CONSERVATIVE!" arguing over subjects and issues force fed to us by our "unbiased" media whose whole agenda to begin with was to divide us with two -- simple -- words.


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