An Over Zealous Approach To Ending The Recession

It appears that many people, Ben Bernanke included, believe that by shouting "The Recession Is Over!" repeatedly, that the recession will magically end. They use lots of "meaning killer" words like "may," "might," "should," and the like to basically make their statements null.

"The recession may end soon," "The recession should be ending by the next quarter" these are meaningless sentences designed to provoke confidence in consumers who lack the ability to read these words properly. There is a phrase that I will paraphrase here: "Calling tops and bottoms is a fool's game." That sounds befitting here.

But few realize that chanting something like "there's no place like home" will not return you home, and chanting "the recession is over" does not end the recession. As far as I'm concerned, if it takes two consecutive quarters of negative GDP to put you into the recession, then it should take two consecutive quarters of positive GDP to get you out.


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