When I consider what to invest in, I think of the worst possible company, then I multiply it by two. Then, to make sure I've made a really good decision I beat my head against a cement wall repeatedly then walk into oncoming traffic. Once in the hospital I press the button that releases morphine a couple of times then call up my stock broker and scream Buy repeatedly.
Lucky for me, the government has decided to do all of those steps for me. They've recently decided that they should invest in GMAC, because when you think of things that don't deserve to die, you undoubtedly think of fine companies like AIG, GMAC, Chrysler, and GM. So toss them another 7.5 Billion, because the brilliant people in congress thought we should give the treasury department a blank check. With our governments level of transparency, only rivaled by a black hole, of course we can trust them to be responsible with 700 billion dollars. Now we're hearing reports that they're having trouble accounting for it?
But of course, as long as there is Dancing with the stars, American Idol, and various other flagrant wastes of life, the people won't voice their thoughts. Trust them, they have everything under control, now back to the show. The television is the single most powerful diversionary technological innovation since the advent of sleight of hand. Enjoy it while you've got it because if you let the government to continue operating this way, your television show's days are numbered. Maybe if American Idol was cancelled due to government intervention people would get out into the streets and voice their frustrations we might see some activism.
Nevermind the fact that Social Security cash has been replaced by Government bonds that will have to be paid back with more - tax payer money. Nevermind that, that means we have to fund Social Security twice. Nevermind that the federal deficit is almost on par with GDP, nevermind that we keep proposing multi-trillion dollar budgets YOY, nevermind that congressmen work overnight to eliminate the bill of rights, nevermind that DHS officers declare that the constitution doesn't apply within 100 miles of the border. As long as we have American Idol, all is well.
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