Hello All,
Due to the events we're seeing I figured it would be prudent to try and help my fellow man by providing some tips that may assist in survival. While I'm no survival expert I do know some things that will help and I'm sure many others will be able to provide useful insight as well. I'll do my best to provide detailed instructions on how to do things and provide decent imagery for assistance. I'll try and update as often as possible so keep checking back
I think few would disagree that Water is the absolutely most important necessity in survival. When near the ocean you have an excellent resource assuming you can make use of it.
What you'll need:
- A Large Bowl, Preferably Black
- A smalle bowl for collecting water
- Cellophane
- A rock (Not too heavy)
- Seawater
- A sunny day
- Fill the large bowl about half way with seawater
- Place the smaller bowl in the larger bowl so it floats on the water
- Cover the large bowl in cellophane
- place the rock in the center of the cellophane causing it to bow down
- place in direct bright sunlight.
As the sun beats down on the seawater in the larger bowl it will heat up enough to cause the water to evaporate. In turn it will collect on the cellophane and drip down to the point where the rock is resting onto the cellophane and drip into the smaller bowl. This water will effectively be desalinated.
Obviously larger amounts of water will take longer to heat up and evaporate so this isn't necessarily the most efficient way to get desalinated water but it's better than nothing. Keep in mind that you will most likely still need to sterilize the water for safety as I can't guarantee that this process will make the water completely potable. Some might feel that it being salt water it might be safe enough but I wouldn't trust it.
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