The Truth Shall Set You Free
HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009
Don't walk around my country trying to infringe on my rights. The founding fathers put in the right to bear arms provision for a reason. It doesn't need to be rewritten, it doesn't need to be changed. It has served us fine for hundreds of years and will continue to. If you don't like guns then move to Canada, Australia, or any of the other fine countries that have decided to surrender their arms.
During World War II Japan didn't attack mainland America because they knew we were armed to the teeth, and I'm sure there are plenty of other invasions that have been avoided that have never been made known because of this fact. I'm not paying taxes to have my rights infringed upon. The congressmen are supposed to be working for us, not the perpetuation of a Police State.
Execute Order 66
Let The Bonds Begin!

I can only hope that things don't continue to crumble, but I fear that if we continue on this current path the Fed will need to print, purchase, and thus monetize our debt in amounts only seen by post World War 1 Germany.,0,3556163.column
The Tax Man Is Knocking
And the market goes wild!
Today GM declared bankruptcy. I did you the favor of grabbing the latest news headlines from I'm highlighting the good news in green and the bad news in red:
- Stocks start June with a bang
- America's 10 biggest collapses
- JPMorgan to raise $5 billion
- Oil jumps on stock rally
- Time Warner's well-timed tax break
- Is the bank stock rally over?
- Bailed out banks lending less
- Why the market doesn't care about GM
- Manufacturing index hits 9-month high
- Xerox bets on pricey printers
- Shrinking salaries: Why we're saving more
- Trillion dollar health-care fix
So, as you can see there was a mix of news. Let me highlight the most "important" piece. This would be the manufacturing index. Why is that in red? I mean, the index did hit a 9 month high. Yes, the index did hit a 9 month high, but it is still in contraction. So while it is optimistic news, it's not good news. It's like when you think 500 people have died, then you find out it was "only" 450. Better, but still not good. And it is this news that sent the market spiraling up and 221.11 points. Forget that one of the largest companies in American history, GM, is filing bankruptcy (which, ironically enough, will affect Manufacturing.). Now, I by no means am a GM sympatheizer, but this just strikes me as gambling with emotion.
I understand that this is supposed to signify a recovery, but if you're crossing a mine field, and someone waves you on, are you just going to run sprinting across? If you're getting into a shark viewing cage and someone says "You'll be fine" are you just going to start throwing chum in the water and hop in happily (some of you might :-/)?
I just feel like the markets have lost all sensibility and are just running full steam on gut instinct and emotion. That's a very dangerous game to play. If you're going into the stock market, proceed with caution, because emotion creates volatility.